Personal Work: Basilica Poem

Personal Work is a section dedicated to my own artistic projects past and present.

Basilica Poem was written for a musical performance I did in 2016 as part of an exhibition in the gallery space of Basilica Hudson in Hudson, NY. (I recently wrote about a visual poem piece I did for the same show.) It was an early attempt at something like what I eventually did on my 2021 poetry album Dematerialize.

In 2021, I unearthed this poem and paired it with some ink drawings I made. The images aren’t directly related to the poem, but they portray objects and environments I use for channelling creativity.

A self portrait drawn from a polaroid photo of me in my old bedroom.

Basilica Poem

unimagine the page falling out of a notebook
I photograph, study, compose in a medium that doesn't exist 
fluid lines of a drawing repeating transmissions
while my goal is to have no form
some kind of redemption
in the parts between things, 
elusive sectors 
where I dog ear pages,
want to own the atmosphere in the city above me,
permeate space, 
arcane, covert, mutable 
dissolves in trance, awake in minds

I show up sulking to fluorescent basements
seeking my slayer
rising in the basilica
gold turned suddenly to lead
when I touch it,
failing to synchronize 
over and under-syncing
no such thing  
where we meet
rattling obsessions like beadwork affixed
erased and rewritten 
mistakes eaten up, I say, by the verses
coming so censored
through the mouth of one
seen only on film, its flesh
swallowed between images on the move
fire blazing every inch of skin

a radiant poem
I become so light
when magnets are heavy 
and the sound
of the snare snaps toward you 
like the crack of a whip 
ophidian tongues lash and crush juicing
chemical jaws bottled up in labs
bargained and begged
earth’s pieces like
desperate stained glass
shards coloring your core 

so says a drunken scrawl on the inside of a book jacket
the perfect truth and the perfect light
the hardest, most electrified thought
I think is,
your soul is nowhere near to mine
not in space or in time
holding empty flowering void 
far out and ceaseless between you
and I
keep saying no, I am not a quitter
Drawing of a notebook (covered in many stickers) that I used for taking notes while writing music.

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